New Beginning!

Jeg har besluttet mig for at vende min blog helt om og starte på en frisk. Jeg vil fremover skrive på dansk og om alt hvad jeg lyster, i stedet for kun at begrænse mig til mine rejser. Især taget i betragtning at jeg i løbet af de næste 6 år, højst sandsynligt vil være “strandet” lige her i Odense… Men jeg klager bestemt ikke, fordi det betyder bare at jeg endelig har fået muligheden for at læse medicin.


(Ja, jeg laver ikke andet end at smile og fjolle rundt for tiden.. det er virkelig en drøm som er gået i opfyldelse!)

Dette betyder jo desværre også, at jeg ikke længere vil fortsætte på PDI-linjen (ingeniørstudiet), efter 2 års færdiggjort studie. Det er hammer-ærgeligt at være så tæt på at være færdig og alligevel vinke farvel til det hele. Men jeg er slet ikke i tvivl om at jeg nødt til at afprøve medicinstudiet. Jeg vil være forevigt bagklog og bitter hvis jeg ikke gør det – det er jo endnu mere træls at skulle spilde resten af sit liv på en plan b, som ingeniørstudiet (og alle andre studier undtagen medicin) altid har været.

Så det er ikke bare bloggen der får en new beginning… 🙂





?And if you are awake at four AM, you are either in love or lonely, and I don?t know which one is worse.?

Woke up at 6.40 am this morning, to go study with my group during our day off. Needless to say, meeting this early was not one of my ideas. However, theoretically I should most certainly be tired by now. Theoretically is never to be counted on though.

Goodnight lucky sleepers. 🙂

Rainy days

The last couple of days have been dispiriting and rather gloomy. Not only are the warm, sunny days slowly being replaced by rain, dropping temperatures and shorter days, but I’m also in very much doubt whether to go through with the surgery or not.


There is no golden ticket, as I’ll either be left with a 15 cm scar right across my collarbone or an asymmetrical shoulder with a permanent bump. Whichever way I turn it around, there are a million pros and a trillion cons.


If I get the surgery, I may have to have the plate removed after a while, which means that no matter how much I try to care for the scar afterwards, they might have to open it up again. If I don’t, my bones may not grow back together or they may but then that will shorten my collarbone and might cause muscle/coordination problems.

Nevertheless, the solution to many problems is merely shopping.
So I bought three pairs of new shoes yesterday at the Fashion Bazaar. I got all three pairs for 200 crowns (equal to roughly 25 euros). Couldn’t decide which colour to get the ballerinas in and since recreational shopping is all about “don’t worry about it, buy it all“, that’s what I did.


After the very therapeutic shopping, I decided to go into hibernation with a bowl of yogurt and my newly acquired blanket that I imagine feels like what a cloud in a cartoon would feel like. (Really, it’s so unbelievable soft, I for a second considered whether I could bring it with me to class this morning..)


Now it’s time to get back to homework. Sigh.


A new beginning!

Starting a post with “it’s been way too long”, reminds me of the diary I kept when I all I wanted in my life was a pony!
Honestly though, it has. I’ve decided to pick up on my blogging again, as I read through some of my previous posts and it’s just brilliant reminiscing many of these memories. It’s hard knowing where to start though. Last time I wrote I was still living in Ibiza, still a teenager and unsure of my future. The first two have since then changed, but the last one I’m beginning to doubt will ever change.

I’ve moved back to Odense, my hometown, and found a lovely apartment. It has 3 bedrooms, a balcony and is located on the 3rd floor right in the heart of the town. I’m so happy, I absolutely love it.




I’ve begun yet another new education at Syddansk University, where I’m studying Engineering with emphasis on Product Development and Innovation. So far it’s been pretty interesting. The subjects are a bit dull, the teachers speak rusty english but the people in my class generally seem really nice. Since engineering is a bit of a mans world, there are a lot more guys than girls at our faculty, which only helps eliminate gossip, groups and drama. So far, so good.

We had an introduction party Friday the 31st of august. You might wonder how come I mention this date, but to me it has become the date of doom.
The evening started out really well. After throwing around with a lot of clothes (universal girls problem it seems), I finally found an acceptable outfit. J and I biked to the University where plans were to eat dinner with our class followed by going partying. The dinner was sublime (tortillas with chicken – one of my favourites!) and everyone was starting to get a little tipsy.
The school had arranged for a party to be held in the ceremonial hall, with lots of beers, “grøn gajol” (possible the best tasting shots ever), DJ’s, dancing and playing games. The mood was definitely high! So high, that we decided to bike into town to continue the party in a club. Bad idea…..


Two days before the party, I had walked roughly 14 km in my pretty ballerinas, which meant that my legs were killing me. Therefore, as we were biking I held onto J, but as the concentration was low and J is as good moving in traffic as a blind mouse, our bikes got too close together and our handlebars got entangled and we crashed. Or, I crashed onto the pavement. J merely landed softly on top of me.
As J is typically very overprotective, I got annoyed when he told me to lie still, asking annoying questions like “are you sure you are okay”… so I got back up on my bike and told him to continue (my mortification of having actually fallen off a bike was too big to admit I was actually hurting). I tried to shrug off the pain and biked roughly 50 meters. But by then my vision was starting to blur, my shoulder was aching so bad and I was feeling nauseous. So I had to eat crow, admitting to the pain being too great to continue my adventure and party. I got off the bike and the next 10-15 minutes are a bit of a blur to say the least. Apparently J helped me lie down on the ground as we waited for an ambulance to arrive. All I was worried about was to make sure J had my shoes and my bag (gotta keep ’em responsibility!) As the ambulance arrived I had to get an IV.
For those of you unfamiliar with my absolute TERROR of needles, I was trying to argue with the paramedic not to get anywhere near me with a needle……..

However, due to a head concussion, I for once quickly gave up and I got some painkillers. I was placed on a spine board and transported into the ambulance. I then asked for the paramedic to tell me stories until we arrived at the hospital. He, as far as I remember, wasn’t very good. I had to very much encourage him and even give him hints as to what I wanted to hear (I believe I wanted a story about a rabbit… again… I was a little disorientated).

We arrived and the next hour or so is very much a blur. What I can recall is basically just ceilings, as I was lying down, staring up into the air. I got an x-ray of my shoulder, which showed that I had a broken collarbone.


They sent me home, with some painkillers, a “sling” and a page stating that I shouldn’t watch tv, nor read for the next 48 hours. Great. Not only was I completely handicapped – for those of you unaware, moving just the slightest bit with a broken collarbone is tremendous pain – but I also couldn’t catch up with Breaking Bad, check my facebook, read my school books. Nope. Nothing. So I spent many hours, trying to find images in my ceiling….


Here seen depicting my general happiness in accordance to not being able to do anything…..

School the next two weeks wasn’t too bad. We got separated into our study groups and I thankfully believe I’ve found a really good, dynamic group. The groups were based upon characteristics of our personality compiled from a test. I got a very clear result – most definitely a “shaper”, which is roughly translated as the leader personality. Apparently, I tend to become aggressive when things don’t go my way…. hmm…


However, the pain in my shoulder decided to intensify, so I decided to make a new appointment with my doctor. After having a longer discussion with him, where I, in the end, had to demand a new x-ray he finally agreed to schedule an appointment with me at the hospital the following day.

Turns out, it was a very good idea (cough, it was mine) as my collarbone has decided to not only not heal, but also to move further apart, leaving a gap between my bones of a couple of mm’s.


In comparison, the bottom photo is from three days ago.

So, the radiologist told me to go to the ER. I did so, waited for approximately an hour, got in and talked to a doctor who hardly spoke danish. His advise? Go home, come back in two weeks.

I was furious. Paying this much in taxes, only to be sent home when I need help?
Thankfully I’m covered by my dad’s insurance so I went to a private hospital.
Their advise? Surgery as soon as possible, as it will otherwise only prolong my pain and risk having to break apart the bone. Since then I’ve had it confirmed by two other non-biased doctors, that surgery is the best way forward. It’s unbelievable how long the public system will go to avoid using resources…

So, now I’m scheduled for surgery sometime during next week. I’m slightly nervous. Apparently I’ll get a true pirate scar all the way across my collarbone. Also, not to forget, will I have to confront my phobia with needles again. Sigh!

Happy thoughts though!



Denmark and London! :-)


We had midterms right before the Autumn break, which thankfully went really well for me. I really want to get a GPA of 3,5+ (Danish scale around 11+) which seems within reach at the moment. In the autumn break I left to Denmark to see my family as well as go to London to see the Webster campus over there. I don?t know which was better; they were both amazing. My mum cooked the most amazing foods that I have been missing dearly while living here. I don?t eat much meat here? at all actually, because I tend to dissect my food way too much and find imaginary bones/veins/eye balls etc. so when I returned home it was AMAZING to eat steaks, meatballs, ?leverpostej? and anything else I could possible get down.
You really learn which things you miss the most, when they are not within reach ? which also means I have learned how much my family means to me.

The London campus was beyond expectations. It was SO beautiful?. Actually so brilliant that I decided that I want to transfer there next year ? I have already sent in my transfer applications. I received an email yesterday which said;

?Thank you for your application to study at Webster University ? London Campus at Regent?s College.
I am pleased to confirm that your application for site transfer starting Spring 2012 has now been accepted.” 

I cannot wait at all. There are so many things to explore and so many things to do ? definitely not like Hua Hin. I don?t want to give off the wrong impression, because I honestly do like it here? but I?m a little restless because of a certain apathy that is easily picked up here.
London in general gave me an amazing impression. We went and saw ?Wicked? ? the musical, which is an adaption of The Wizard of Oz. I have never seen a musical that well played, with so many effects and I was blown away. However, as my attention span usually doesn?t last for as long as I would like for it to do, it was at times a bit tedious at times and it could?ve been cut down to 2 hours instead of the.. 3-4 hours it was. (Or maybe that?s just how I remember it.) Still ? I?m happy to have seen it and I can?t wait to see more once I move to London.
The shopping was, of course, just my thing. All these amazing shops and it was strangely enough relatively cheap! We went on a sightseeing bus and for the first time in my life I found it really interesting ?unlike my previous experience in San Francisco where I actually managed to fall asleep.
The city seems to offer so many stories (such as the devastation of the city due to a fire that started in a bakery and destroyed more than 13,000 houses and before that how the plague has killed nearly 70000 people) and secrets. We went into the London Dungeon as well, which was so much fun, despite Thomas and I almost peeing our pants around every corner, because the horror house in Universal Studies seriously must have scarred us badly.

We stayed at a small hotel that wasn?t incredible? nor anywhere near it. The most interesting part about the place was the stairs. They were so uneven, crooked and unsymmetrical it was more fun to take them than the elevator.
Despite only staying for two days, we managed to experience a lot. My parents used to live in London for four years (actually I was made in London????) so they knew a bit more and were able to show us around which made the trip less stressful.




Thailand is still beautiful in my eyes, it still offers so much more, has so many wonderful advantages but I?m ready to move on. Lilou has also decided that it is time to discover new places and will most likely start university in Belgium? Anita, however, seems to have ?been taken by Bangkok? (or Thailand/the people she has met here? hehe ;-)) and wants to stay even longer than originally planned.
It?s hard to figure out what we want ? we are all so young and there are so many opportunities, but if we don?t take any chances we won?t ever make it further in life.
It?s sad that we are all going different ways, but I?m in no doubt that we will all stay in contact. 🙂
